The Final Episode of Sliders, titled "The Seer," Airs on The Sci-Fi Channel (2000) | Television Series Finales | Feb 4, 2000

On February 4, 2000, the final episode of Sliders airs on The Sci-Fi Channel. The episode is titled “The Seer.” The finale opens with the sliders arriving in a world where their exploits are well known through the efforts of a man called the “Seer” played by Roy Dotrice. As they prepare for their final ….

Future Publishes Last Issue of Amiga Format Magazine (2000) | Final Periodical Issues, Magazine and Newspaper Publication Dates | May 1, 2000

British multimedia publisher Future published the final issue of Amiga Format Magazine – a computer magazine centering on Amiga computers – in May of 2000. The magazine lasted 136 issues, from 1989 until 2000. At the magazine’s height in 1991, Amiga Format was selling 135,000 copies a month.

Takeshi Kitano's Crime Epic Brother Premieres at New York Film Festival (2000) | U.S. Festival Premieres | Sep 26, 2000

Takeshi Kitano’s highly underrated Brother centers on an exiled Japanese gangster named Aniki Yamamoto, who ends up in Los Angeles where his brother rolls with a small but respectable multi-ethnic gang. Kitano himself plays the Yakuza gangster, who quickly inspires the gang to expand their influence, leading to unforeseen consequences. Brother also stars Omar Epps, ….

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