Scarface Actress Tammy Lynn Leppert Mysteriously Disappeared on This Day in 1983 (1983) | Crime, Conspiracy and Mystery | Jul 6, 1983

Young actress, model and beauty queen Tammy Lynn Leppert (a.k.a. Tami Lynn), who had a small role in the Brian De Palma crime classic Scarface as the girl in the blue bikini during the drug-deal-gone-wrong chainsaw sequence, disappeared on July 6, 1983 under suspicious circumstances. As of March 2024, she has never been heard from ….

2019: After the Fall of New York (1983) | Italian Theatrical Releases | Jul 22, 1983

The cult action thriller 2019: After the Fall of New York is a 1983 Italian science fiction film directed by Sergio Martino in both English and Italian. The movie is part of the post-apocalyptic Italian genre along with 1990: The Bronx Warriors and Endgame. The movie is set a few years after a nuclear apocalypse ….

Leading Game Developer Capcom is Founded (1983) | Launches and Openings, Milestones | Jun 11, 1983

Capcom celebrates its 40th anniversary on June 11, 2023, marking forty years since the company’s founding on June 11, 1983. To mark the 40th anniversary of its founding, Capcom is taking its slogan of “from Osaka, to the world,” and sending a message of gratitude to its supporters worldwide. This includes a full-page announcement of ….

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