MSG Sphere at The Venetian Resort
Groundbreakings | Sep 27, 2018
MSG Sphere at The Venetian Resort
The official groundbreaking for MSG Sphere at The Venetian Resort took place in September of 2018.
The 17,500-seat auditorium was initially scheduled to open in 2021, but construction was suspended in 2020 due to a disruption in the project’s supply chain, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Construction resumed later that year.
When completed, the MSG Sphere is expected to become the largest spherical structure in the world, at 336 feet tall and 516 feet wide, serving as a radical new entertainment venue that can accommodate up to 20,000 standing spectators or 17,500 seated guests, with 23 VIP suites. The Sphere will house a record 160,000-square-foot wraparound LED display on the interior, while the exterior will be coated with a record 580,000-square-foot exterior LED display. Both the interior and exterior are fully-programmable, with the ability to accommodate 16Kx16K image resolution.
Through a partnership with Berlin-based audio company Holoplot, the Sphere will house a custom spatial audio system utilizing up to 164,000 speakers. Additional plans include 4D capabilities such as wind & scents, seat haptics, movement sensations, flashing lights, along with intense lighting, sound and visual effects. Each seat is said to include WiFi connectivity for every guest. The interior will have three layers of cooling, including one beneath the seating.
When it comes to the content for the venue, MSG has begun reaching out to Hollywood filmmakers, as well as musicians, in order to create custom, immersive content and experiences for the wraparound LED display. Plans also include use of the venue for live performances, sports, gaming, and corporate events, as well as advertising on the exterior LED display.
To assist with content production, MSG Sphere Studios opened in Burbank, California on May 19, 2022. The facility handles production and post-production work for the Las Vegas sphere and future spheres. MSG Sphere Studios sought to collaborate with filmmakers and musicians to create some of the content for the Las Vegas sphere. Ted King, who previously worked on Star Trek: The Experience, is among those who will create visual content for the MSG Sphere.